New Viruses (G)
Minnsota Virus (G)
Life of a Computer (G)
Y to K (G)
Shredder (G)
Payroll (G)
The Sony Company (G)
Etch A Sketch (G)
Why computers are better than Women (PG13)
Windows 98 (G)
Jumbo Jet (G)
Good Old Days (G)
Tech Support (G)
Write in C (G)
Net Addiction (G)
Acronyms (G)
Microsoft comic strips! (G)
If Microsoft built cars (G)
Airplanes (G)
System Administrator (PG13)
If Microsoft Sold Cars (G)
Advances in Medicine (R)
Emotional Icons (R)
Wife 1.0 (G)
IT & Businessman (G)