My life is a series of...
I am not an alcoholic.
I am a passionate drinker.
I am, like general halftrack from beetle baily, "sobriety impaired"
I have not made this decision consciously.
I was born with it deep in my veins.
I have my rituals.
I shoot my tequila with salt pushed aside and lime over the shoulder.
(In memory of a friend)
I drink Margueritas on the beach
(and nowhere else)
I like my beers dark.
I drink beer whenever.
I prefer beers by the dozen.
(sure to get the job done)
I like my beers cold.
I drink blush wine on dates.
(towards the end)
I drink white wine with seafood or chicken.
I normally detest red wine.
(but I must confess its lovely with a thick and bloody Filet Mignon)
I drink Tequila Sunrise when morning drinking is proper.
I drink champagne in celebration.
(Korbel for general purposes, White Star for special occasions)
I don't care for Scotch.
(But respect those who do)
I drink Gin when in despair.
I drink Gin when torturing myself.
I drink Gin to revel in my melancholy.
(The sadder the boy, the better the gin)
(Gin has been said to age you, the English called it "mothers ruin")
I drink whiskey on occasion.
(I liken myself to Wil Munny)
I drink whiskey Canadian, Irish, blended or bourbon.
I dig Crown Royal with just a splash of seven.
(and I do mean just a splash)
I don't like Bloody Marys.
I drink Vodka and cranberry when thinking of her.
(I haven't had one in some time.)
I drink only premium brands.
I like White Russians for dessert.
I start singin Janis when juiced up on Southern Comfort.
I drink like my mother's father.
I drink like my father's mother.
I am not an alcoholic.
I am a passionate drinker.
I have not made this decision consciously.
I was born with it coursing through my veins.
Copywrite: Elias Vict INC. (1999)
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